Hasiera > Albisteak > Industria Albisteak

Silize hautsaren iraunkortasuna


Hormigoiaren iraunkortasunak hormigoiaren izozte erresistentzia, iragazgaiztasuna, erresistentzia kimikoa, altzairuzko korrosio erresistentzia eta higadura erresistentzia ditu. Izoztearen aurkako erresistentziaz, iragazgaiztasunaz eta hormigoiaren aurkako erresistentzia kimikoaz soilik hitz egingo dut. Efektu higatzailea.
a) Izoztearen erresistentzia: zenbatekoaSilize hautsatxikia da, silize ke hormigoiaren izozteak, funtsean, hormigoia arruntaren berdina da. Silize hauts kopurua% 15 gainditzen denean, izozteak ez du erresistentziarik. Proba ugariren bidez, ikuspegi hori baieztatu da funtsean. Arrazoi nagusia honakoa da: silize-keak% 15a gainditzen duenean, hormigoiaren hedapena handitzen da, modulu elastiko dinamiko erlatiboa gutxitzen da eta konpresioaren erresistentzia nabarmen jaisten da. Hormigoiaren barne ezaugarrien ikuspegitik, azalera espezifikoa txikia da, eta tarte koefizientea handia.
b) Impermeability: Because Silize hautsa particles are small, 20-100 times smaller than cement particles, they can be filled into the voids between cement particles to make concrete compact. At the same time, the secondary hydration of silica powder blocks new products. Permeation channels in concrete, so the impermeability of silica fume concrete is very strong, the permeability of concrete increases with the increase of water-binder ratio, this is because the compactness of water-cement is relatively poorer than that of concrete.
c) Chemical resistance: Mixing Silize hautsa into concrete can reduce the content of Ca (OH) 2 and increase the compactness of concrete. It can effectively improve the corrosion ability of weak acid. However, it cannot be used in strong acid or high-depth weak acid. CSH decomposes in acid. In addition, it is also resistant to salt corrosion, especially to chlorides and sulfates. The reason why it is resistant to salt corrosion is that the silica fume concrete is denser and the pore structure is improved, thereby reducing The transmission speed of harmful ions is reduced and the formation of soluble Ca (OH) 2 and ettringite (3CaO·Al2O3·3CaSO4 ·32H2) is reduced, and the result of increasing hydrated calcium silicate crystals.